Where the Focus of Building Management Should Lie – Fresh Start Australia in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney
Building facilities management is an expansive discipline which works across many areas to meet the needs of clients in many different sectors. At Fresh Start, our building management personnel in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane work across a wide range of business contexts from corporate building services to health care, aged care, food distributors, you name it. But regardless of specialisation or sector there are three areas that should be at the heart of all building facility management services, people, innovation and energy efficiency.
People and Building Management
At Fresh Start, we believe that the true essence of building facilities management is people. Building management is obviously coupled with building practicalities and service technicalities, but ultimately people are at the heart of building management.
We already know the people work best in a clean, creative and dynamic workspace but changes in the way people work are affecting the physical work environment and demanding radical changes in the way we view traditional offices. Building facilities management is moving from being simply a provider of services to a proactive decision-making role in how the office environment is designed, how it will be maintained, how it will be used, and the way services are delivered.
Innovation at Fresh Start
Innovation is central to any building management service that aims to deliver efficient and effective services. At Fresh Start, we take innovation seriously, working with the best breed of information technology and telecommunication infrastructure to allow our staff to manage the needs of our clients. We use a 24-hour help desk to ensure we meet the needs of our clients whenever problems arise.
Preventative maintenance is a huge part of building management at Fresh Start, it truly ensures that your equipment and assets are working efficiently and safely as well as extending the lifespan of your assets by providing servicing before things go wrong.
Our building facilities management portal for businesses in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane can be used to check the status of a service call, access financial reporting and monitor preventative maintenance or any future work.
Optimising Energy Consumption in Building Management
The Internet of Things and preventative maintenance are providing Fresh Start and other building management businesses greater insight into how energy is consumed and how best to reduce costs and optimise assets. Investments into technologies such as LED lighting, efficient heating and cooling, and building automation services are paving the way to create more energy efficient and environmentally compatible businesses.
At Fresh Start, we believe these three things are key to creating and executing effective building and facilities management. If you’d like to explore more about building facilities management at Fresh Start for your business in Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane, contact us today.